Sari Horwitz
Washington, D.C.
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter covering criminal justice issues for The Washington Post. Co-author of American Cartel.
Education: Bryn Mawr College, BA in political science; Oxford University, MA in politics, philosophy and economics
Sari Horwitz is an investigative reporter who covers criminal justice issues for The Washington Post. Horwitz has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize four times.
In 2002, she shared the Pulitzer for investigative reporting for a series exposing the District of Columbia's role in the neglect and deaths of 229 children placed in protective care. The series prompted an overhaul of the child welfare system and a new wing of D.C. Superior Court for children and families. Horwitz also co-wrote an investigation of D.C. police shootings that revealed that D.C. police officers shot and killed more people