The debate, hosted by ABC News, follows a turbulent period in the 2024 presidential campaign in which President Joe Biden exited the presidential race in the wake of his catastrophic performance during the first presidential debate of the general election campaign. Things moved quickly as Biden endorsed his vice president to take his place and the Democratic Party quickly nominated her, leaving Trump with a new opponent ahead of the election.
How to watch the presidential debate
The debate, moderated by ABC News’s David Muir and Linsey Davis, is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m. Eastern time and will last 90 minutes. The program will air on ABC News’s properties, including ABC News Live’s streaming online, Disney Plus and Hulu. The Washington Post will have coverage of the debate beginning at 8 p.m. Eastern. Programming will be anchored by Libby Casey, with analysis from James Hohmann and JM Rieger. Rhonda Colvin reports live from the spin room in Philadelphia.